Why YOU should vote

So how important is your voice as a student?

Since 2007, tuition has increased in the state of Oregon by 44 percent, making it harder for students to attend four-year universities, as well as forcing them to question the value of their education.

As elections approach, it is imperative that the student body here at Southern Oregon University is fully educated on the matters and understands the importance of casting their vote.

There are a number of measures on the ballot that can directly affect students regarding the costs of tuition and funding as well various programs that change the amount of assistance students receive from the state.

Only students themselves know what they really need and if they do not take the time to tell the elected officials in the state of Oregon what they need, tuition will continue to rise and programs that benefiting students will be lost.

Students in Oregon represent a very large demographic in the state and with that comes a great amount of power at the polls but all of that is wasted if students do not go out and actually vote on the issues that affect them the most.

According to the Oregon Student Association, “In just three years, 87 percent of new jobs in Oregon will require a college degree. But in spite of the need for a more college-educated citizenry, Oregon is actually educating less Oregonians. The decline in Oregonians attending college comes after over a decade of disinvestment in post-secondary education that has left Oregon students paying more and getting less. We can make Oregon stronger by reinvesting in post-secondary education to provide access to an affordable, quality college degree.”

By voting on statewide measures, and being aware of issues affecting tuition and education, students can make a difference on bettering their college experience. Not only is it important to be registered to vote, but by voting, students can make a stand on their education costs, and better the future of education in the state of Oregon.

Oregon has the biggest student-led voter registration in the nation, and their goal is to bring awareness to students at how important it is for their voice to be heard. All it takes is the knowledge students can make by properly voting.


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