An Ode to Chad

I like Chad, like, like like chad, chad’s the kinda guy you like, like like, but like, not like like like because that would creep him out, like, like like like liking someone is something like Becky would do

Becky’s a Bitch

Like, if im being honest, like like liking chad is a pretty likely thing for me, like, im like a cheerleader, and he’s like the quarterback like get the picture I like like like like him okay, but not like Stephany did

Stephany’s a cunt

Encino has some pretty rad mini-malls

Anyways, I turtle-y, dolphin-etly like chad, im done like talking about it, so shut up,

did you like my last Instagram

Sohpie’s such a slut did you see what she wore to Brad’s party


Connor Cushman, the sophomore financial mathematics major, lives to laugh, run, and slap the bass. You might find him at Taco Bell or storming shirtless through Lithia Park.
Connor Cushman, the sophomore financial mathematics major, lives to laugh, run, and slap the bass. You might find him at Taco Bell or storming shirtless through Lithia Park.