A new $2,800 sign on campus was bought using money from student fees.
The sign originated from last spring’s Campus Creed Committee, a group that worked to pump up campus morale.
“The group that created the creed also had another idea of creating more campus unity and spirit,” said Stevenson Union Associate Director Ryan Green.
The new “Raider Way” sign between Taylor Hall and the Stevenson Union joins the banners along Siskiyou Blvd. showcasing the new school logo, as well as the banners also along Raider Way that feature photos of students and staff as well as quotes about why they love SOU and the Rogue Valley.
The sign, which cost $2,800 including supplies and shipping, was paid for with the Stevenson Union budget, which is student fee funded and has a goal of finding ways to enhance the space.
“Because of the need to utilize a prime location for the sign we decided to not put it in the SU courtyard, but put it in a more prominent space on the path, but still close to the SU,” said Green.
The sign gives the walking path between Indiana St. and University Way the official name of Raider Way. “The directional aspect does serve to somewhat direct people on campus, but to also highlight some of the significant relationships the SOU Ashland Campus has with other campuses,” said Green.