Odds are you’ve never heard of Southern Oregon University’s Alumni Mentoring Program, considering only a handful of students are enrolled in it. “The Alumni Mentoring…
Year: 2011
Oxfam Banquet to address theme of world hunger
It’s funny that, in the proverbial land of plenty, nearly one in six Americans has to deal with hunger on a daily basis, a staggering…

Jackson County Fuel Committee: Helping low-income families fend off the winter cold
Many in Southern Oregon are familiar with the challenges that the winter months bring, and one of the most important aspects of the winter is…

Local businesses adapt to changing economy
Ashland’s annual Festival of Light is approaching, and along with serving as the kick off for the holiday season, it also signifies the end of…
New program designed to help minority students come to SOU after graduating high school
A new agreement between Talent Middle School and Southern Oregon University guarantees minority junior high and high school students admission into SOU once they graduate,…

Fire and brimstone: Traveling preachers cause a stir in the Stevenson Union courtyard
Southern Oregon University received a heavy dose of religious fervor on Thursday, Nov. 10, when a group of preachers set up shop in the “free…

Veterans reception honors armed forces
Rep. Peter Buckley and retired Col. David Dotterrer inspired, thanked and called on veterans and students to create the future they wish to have…

Flowers for Edrik Gomez
Intelligent. Quirky. Compassionate. These were only a few words that can be used to describe the “funny brother.” A passion for politics, good humor and…

SOU student invited back to Carnegie Hall, this time to perform duet with fellow student
Juggling classes, homework, a job, and music practice, Beatriz Abella seems like just another stressed, overworked, caffeine-infused college student. Your average college student isn’t, however, practicing for a performance at Carnegie Hall on Dec.…

Phronesis: A model of student-based community activism
Despite the peaceful clearing of the plaza by the Ashland Police Department on Oct. 31, the Occupy Ashland protest against economic inequality and corporate greed continues, as the nation-wide movement hits…