Image Credit Southern Oregon University
The meeting started at 6:02 PM with no objections to the agenda.
Speaker of the Senate Keeley Reiners had mentioned that on April 6th, ASSOU would be walking with campus security at 8:00 PM to check to see which lights on campus are working.
On April 29th, ASSOU will have a slideshow on how to run an election. The elections committee approved the timeline for elections. Applications will open in two weeks and close in early May. Furthermore, the election guidelines will be a topic during the ASSOU meeting on April 29th. In addition, they released the social media guideline for elections. Those running an election must create a separate social media account for their campaign and cannot promote their campaign or campaign on their personal accounts. Election rules are in the bylaws on the ASSOU’s website.
Various topics were covered, such as: the Judicial branch is looking into amendments to the ban on Greek life on campus, SFAC met later that tonight on cabinet updates and talked about cutting budgets, the administration revealed they would be holding a prom along with a casino night on Saturday, June 5th, with the prom having a wonderland theme, and the Raider Academy Awards will be on May 17th.
OSPRIG mentioned that they would be tabling at the club carnival next week, and on earth day, they will be making smoothies outside of the Stevenson Union. RHA mention that the first general assembly will be next week as well that they will be amending their constitution, being more flexible on who can join. Clubs are looking into seeing which clubs are active and have approved a budget for the Magic the Gathering club. Twenty-five clubs so far have signed up for the club carnival.
EAC gives an update on the water conservation on campus; they have a five-year contract ending soon and are looking into other options for water conservation on campus, though they might renew their already existing agreement.
Other topics and events included: SOU’s box office offers ASSOU members free tickets to their spring shows, there was a swearing-in of Jasmine into ASSOU’s academic advocacy senate, Pub Night is next Thursday Night on the 21st at 7:30 PM; you must be 21 or over to attend, and Town Halls for the term has been added to the calendar and will be on the 22nd.
The adjournment of the ASSOU meeting was at 6:32 PM.