SOU Life Hacks

Need help figuring out SOU? We've got you covered.  (Photo Cred: The Siskiyou/Kelsi Fasano)
Need help figuring out SOU? We’ve got you covered. (Photo Cred: The Siskiyou/Kelsi Fasano)

Southern Oregon University is an awesome place with tons of activities, clubs, and resources to keep students motivated and sane! However, I know how hard it is for students to adapt to new campus and college life. Not everyone reading this is going to be a freshman braving this awe-inspiring world, or a senior banging their head against the wall begging to be set free.  Yet, college can be a stressful time, cramming for finals, applying for jobs, and those arm stretching attempts at a social life. Don’t worry; the staff of The Siskiyou knows how to take care of our own. Here’s some help to get you through your upcoming term:

1.  If you are running late to class use the crosswalks up and down Siskiyou Blvd. in order to save some valuable time.

2.  If you are living in McLoughlin or Shasta the WIFI is slower than waiting for Christmas morning, invest in an Ethernet cord so your Internet doesn’t crash during those online quizzes.

3.  Not a lot of students know where to spend their raider cash. If you have a meal plan you have a certain amount of money that you can spend at the Landing or at the SU in Elmo’s.

4.  I may or may not have spent most of my raider cash already, but I am addicted to coffee, which reminds me: raider cash can also be spent at the coffee shops around campus, in the library and in the SU.

5.  Here at SOU students and teachers are extremely helpful. If you are struggling in a course talk to your professor and they will do their best to assist you.

6.  Lost your phone, wallet, and keys it’s not too late; check out the SOU Housing at Greensprings. I usually find my stuff there.

7.  Another fun tip: always do your laundry in the early morning or at night or on weekdays. Sometimes it is a hassle to go through all your laundry while waiting for people to pull theirs out of the washer or dryer, let alone finding an open one.

8.  For those romantics out there, try to take your date to the Chocolate Factory in downtown Ashland and snag one of those fancy caramel apples and take him or her on a walk through Lithia Park.

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