Submission Guidelines

Deadlines: To publish in the Wednesday addition of the paper, you must submit to by 11:59 PM on the previous Monday. We’ll consider late submissions for the next week. Deadlines by theme:


Before submitting, please review the guidelines below:


How many pieces should you submit and how long can they be?

We ask that you limit your submissions to five poems, two stories, and/or two pieces of visual art, and we ask that your stories don’t exceed 2,000 words (please include a word count in your email/cover letter). However, each week we’ll feature an artist, publishing a larger selection of his/her work with a brief interview. If you would like to be featured, please say so in the subject heading of your submission email.


Do we accept simultaneous submissions?

Absolutely we do. But please let us know quickly if another publisher picks up your piece before we publish it.


What should you include in your submission email?

The work you want to publish, of course—in the form of a word document for written work and a .jpeg file for visual work. Include a word count and anything you’d like us to know about your piece(s). We’d also dig it if you sent us a headshot and a brief bio (academic year, major, hobbies, etc.). Also, if you have artwork to go with your stories or poems, we’d love to have those too.


If you publish in The Siskiyou, can you publish the same work elsewhere?

We give full permission to republish all artwork. However, many other venues will require never-published submissions.


What can you expect from the editing process?

Since we publish SOU students’ work exclusively, we can put a lot of energy into the editing process. Shining submissions we’ll publish as they are, maybe correcting for minor typos or formatting issues. For submissions that could use more work, we’ll suggest changes to the writer and, when he/she improves it, publish it then.


Are there any limitations on subject matter?

In terms of subject matter, we refrain from publishing over-the-top violence or erotica. Please focus on story and aesthetic, not on shock value. That said, edgy is good as long as it seems in healthy proportion to the rest of the piece.


What about comics?

If you have comics to submit, send them to or akinsj@sou.eduWe publish comics in a different column and ask that they contain politically relevant content.


Submit short stories, poems, visual art, or any questions to:


Submit comics or inquires about journalism articles to: or