Photo by ASSOU
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd – Speaker of the House Violet Crain called the ASSOU meeting to order at 6:01 pm. Crain began the meeting by addressing the necessary changes to the agenda for this meeting. The Required Amendments included the swearing in of Jana Baker as Chief Justice, Andrew Zucker as ASSOU President, and Violet Crain as Vice President; confirmation of Michael Surgeon as Speaker; and election of Mindy Welsh Vice Speaker. All of these amendments were resolved, unopposed, between 6:23 and 7:00.
After confirming order, the aforementioned agenda amendment was approved at 6:06 pm. Before moving forward, the minutes for the meeting from February 15th were tabled due to technical issues, and the meeting moved forward.
Andrew Zucker, the newly-appointed President, gave a speech addressing the members of the meeting that included topics such as moving forward and focusing on projects to be set in place over the coming months that will help the students of SOU. These changes are also relevant to chain of command, as he will graduate in three weeks.
Lisa Terstenson reported that OSPIRG met with Senator Golden last week.
RHA attended the Regional Business Conference, along with NRHH, who gave a presentation on the upcoming conference.
Required amendments for meeting were met (see above).
Plans were made to bring ASSOU together more as a community in the future, due to how covid has made it hard to build interpersonal connections.
Surgeon declared vacancy in the disabilities head position, and adjourned the meeting at 7:18 pm.