CM/EMDA 399 Reinventing College. Sounds high minded, and it is. I participated as a student and a journalist and came away with some interesting ideas.…

The Voice of SOU Students
CM/EMDA 399 Reinventing College. Sounds high minded, and it is. I participated as a student and a journalist and came away with some interesting ideas.…
In 1970, a society facing local, global, and economic distress founded Earth Day in an attempt to unite a divided population for a good…
Over the break the SOU Raiders proved their strength as a football team by winning in the quarterfinals of the…
The Raider’s Saturday evening match against Warner Pacific was yet another of great excitement, and apprehension. As the 13th ranked national team, the Raiders finished…
The Raiders ran lay-up lines as the student section began to fill. Riehm Arena buzzed with excitement. Fans filtered up and down the bleachers with…
The OIT Owls notched a 69-36 victory in today’s match against the NHCC Deacons. This brings the Owl’s record up to 2-0 for the season…
Donning their pink breast-cancer awareness uniforms, the 11th-ranked Raiders volleyball team strode onto the court, determined and focused. As the team warmed up, they did…
A roundabout, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a circuitous route” or “merry-go-round”. It can also mean “not simple, clear, or plain: long and confusing,” which was…
Two-time Grammy-nominated pianist Joseph Banowetz presents the works of Beethoven, Chopin, and Mozart this Friday at the SOU Recital Hall, opening the 2014 Tutunov Piano…
ASHLAND, ORE. —The Raiders led a 31-6 victory over the UMW Bulldogs Saturday to bring Southern Oregon to their now 6-0 record—the first time in…