On Oct. 4, the Event Planning Involvement Committee (EPIC) wrapped up the first week of fall term and hosted the fifth annual Glowfest.
Glowfest is an event that is free to all students. The goal of the event is to create a way for students to let loose, dance with friends, and have fun.
SOU students are integral to Glowfest. It is meant for all individuals who want to have a night out – not just for those who want to dance. First-year student, Kade Linville, acknowledged the event as inclusive and a great way to get to know others.
“I was surprised. I’m not a huge dance person…I liked the theme and I liked the excitement.” Linville said.
One of the students who attended the last Glowfest, Georgia England, appreciated this year’s event.
“There’s less pressure to dance, which is nice since I’m not a dancing person,” England said.
“There’s more freshman. I think it’s marketed so new people can meet each other,” said England. “I don’t think it’s as effective for meeting people new, but I think it’s better for getting to know people you kind of know already since you can just go up and say hi.”
Despite the fun, midnight came and the festivities came to a close. The lights came on for the first time since arrival, and many SOU students left in a wave.
With some task management amongst volunteers and student workers, EPIC began cleaning up.
Marjorie Miller, EPIC committee member, explained what makes Glowfest special for students.
“I think what’s actually really cool about Glowfest is…it’s really solely about the community…It’s really a time for our first-year students to come and have that first real college experience in a fun environment with people coming together,” Miller said.
After an event of almost 580 students, Miller also explained how an event like Glowfest is coordinated.
“We have a staff of about eight people…last year I was secretary and this year I am going to be in training to be the director for this next upcoming year,” Miller said.
“The way that our EPIC staff works is that we have one person that’s kind of our point person for the team and they usually have a backup person that helps them through that,” said Miller.
“Our whole team gets together to do all of our marketing plans, our strategies, and set up…there’s always a constant flow of communication between all of that.”
Students who missed the Glowfest still have an opportunity to attend an EPIC-hosted event. Later this month, on Oct. 22, Queer Eye hero, Wesley Hamilton, is coming to campus in a joint event with EPIC and the Disability Resource Center. In the same week, on Oct. 26, EPIC and the Resident Housing Association (RHA) are collaborating on the 90s theme Homecoming Dance.