Photo courtesy of Student Film Festival
Experience Hollywood movie magic on SOU campus with the Student Film Festival (SFF) on June 3rd, 2021. Come and walk the red carpet and have your photo taken before the films start with the festival’s own walk of fame. Time and location are still to be determined. Due to COVID-19 and social distancing, the plans for the film festival have been evolving quickly. Originally, the festival was going to be a drive-in style theatre but has since changed to regular seating with social distancing and other safety protocols in place. Attendees will watch films across all genres from documentary shorts to romance. Jury prizes for student and alumni short films and scripts will be awarded in multiple categories, and an audience-choice award will be voted on at the end of the exhibition.
All students who submitted films will be notified sometime next week and the film schedule will drop on May 26th. On June 2nd, there will be a live, virtual script reading event with SOU students. Followed by an audience choice award and a jury award.
Follow the Student Film Festival on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date.