Another fantastic EP!C event happened last Friday, April 29th! The 80’s Skate Club gathering took place in the SU Arena, located on the lower level of the Stevenson Union. It lasted four hours, check-in started around 7 pm with people staying as late as 11. There was an RSVP for skating times up until the day before, which was divided up into hour and a half slots. Skates were provided as well as a variety of pizzas, water, and plenty of lemonade to hydrate. Ruby, an SOU student, shared their favorite part of the event. “The light-up wheels on the skates – it was [a] good energy!”
When asked about their experience skating, another student Maple stated, “Oh man… My feet hurt. But it’s fun! The balance is hard to get used to, but I like the glow in the dark!” Being an 80’s themed party meant there was plenty of neon, including the glow sticks that were passed out as well as the decade-accurate attire.
There were varying levels of comfort out on the rink, which was made up of bright green and orange puzzle pieces, as well as a playlist made up of 80s hits always on the speakers. Some people even showed up prepared with their roller skates or rollerblades. There were confident skaters showing off their skills, but it was a safe space for those learning how to skate. It was specifically announced that there would be a ‘safety skater’ for those afraid of falling.
An EPIC staff member and club officer KT told us what their favorite part of the 80s is, “The movies- even though they have NOT aged well!” Of course, it is nice to enjoy the nostalgia of the past while understanding how far we have come.
The Siskyou also reached out to Bonnie, who was enthusiastically acknowledged by the EPIC team before check-in started, as KT recognized them for the photos on their Instagram from other events. Since they have tagged @souepic, this makes them eligible for a 9th generation iPad and pencil. This is a part of the Tag You’re It event which will be going on until June 1st.
“It’s silly to think an entire group on campus knows me simply as THE CinnaBonnie. I have attended every event (with exception to the 21+ ones) and post my adventures like clockwork on Instagram. I could joke that I am doing it all for the notorious iPad they are giving away but, that isn’t really it. I’d come to an event each day of the week to share a smile with that crew and make another memory. EP!C brings everyone together in a way I feel IS the university experience. No matter what, I can count on KT and the team to brighten up my day.”
This shows why these events are a crucial part of student life. The EPIC staff are friendly and the events are always a great time. There are plenty of people to meet and likely to see the same familiar faces. SOU students can look forward to the many accessible, fun times ahead on and around campus.