On Thursday of May 9th, Southern Oregon University’s Student Film Festival closed its doors to further submissions. Before this, the Student Film Festival actively solicited work from the University’s student body. One of Southern Oregon University’s strengths has always been the arts, and it has attracted a wide and diverse variety of creators determined to make their mark. The world of film is no exception, and that’s why the Festival is more than just student submissions.
The Film Festival is open to creators currently or recently enrolled at Southern Oregon. As with any other medium showcased on campus, the Festival’s goal is to tap into SOU’s authentic talent. The University has long catered to its burgeoning digital cinema community, putting emphasis on newer and more cutting edge methods of visual storytelling. Filmmaking at Southern Oregon is experimental first and aims to innovate wherever possible.
Its cinema is based on problem solving and courses offered at the University typically focus on developing communication skills, understanding and analyzing a wide variety of source material and practical applications for it. Emphasis is also placed on critical thinking and analytical skills. As a result, there’s a large population of ambitious young filmmakers on campus looking for a chance to prove themselves, and 2024’s Southern Oregon Student Film Festival.
With the deadline for submissions passed, the SOU Film Club is carefully perusing the entries that it has. The Film Festival welcomed all genres of film, and encouraged brevity. Student pieces are not allowed to be any longer than twenty nine minutes. The decision making process will continue for another week, and the Film Club will pass its final judgment on Tuesday of May 21st.
As it has done for years, the Film Festival will feature the contest’s winners. On Wednesday of June 5th, the Festival will be broadcast live by Rogue Valley Television, Southern Oregon University’s community broadcasting platform. The Film Club will live stream the submissions selected by its leadership and will award particularly outstanding films. It will be available virtually and in person.
The Film Club has lofty hopes for this year’s Festival, which it trusts will help promote a diverse cast of ambitious young filmmakers and advertise the University’s film programs. The Film Club isn’t planning to phone this one in. The club has big plans alongside the pieces that they’re showing, too. There’s been talk that they’ll openly display the individual compact discs of the contestants’ short films. What awards the Festival will ultimately hand out remains to be seen, but there’s no doubt that they’ll be looking to reward and promote the cream of the crop in the most creative way possible.
The Film Festival will also host a question and answer session, showcasing its dedication to advancing the visual arts and platforming the best and brightest filmmakers on campus.