Cancun not your style? Alternative Spring Break might just be for you

Have you figured out what to do for spring break yet?


The Alternative Spring Break, organized by Southern Oregon University’s Civic Engagement Program, is a program that sends SOU students to volunteer at various nonprofits in Oregon over spring break, gaining valuable on-the-job experience while meeting new people and having lots of fun.

The program, which runs March 25 through March 29, will be taking students to two locations this year:

At the Lost Valley Educational Center in Dexter, students will learn about sustainable living, permaculture and more, as they participate in a variety of ecofriendly activities.

In Portland, students will have the opportunity to visit fisheries, animal shelters, bird observatories and various other organizations devoted to wildlife preservation and animal care.

All students are welcome to apply, although Brittany Depew, SOU’s environmental and community engagement coordinator, said that about 20 students had already signed up, leaving only 1-2 seats still available for both trips.

One of the main benefits of participating in ASB, Depew said, is “working with incredible organizations and getting to see their hard work pay off.” She added that the program really helps to connect students to the communities they volunteer in, as well as their connection to the university. She also hinted that the Civic Engagement Program has been talking about including students from Rogue Community College in the future.

The Civic Engagement Program is taking applications until Friday at 4 p.m. They can be found online at

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