Several applications have been turned in this week to the Associated Students of Southern Oregon University office for the legislative and judicial positions that have recently opened.
Although the deadline for the senator for the Higher Education Center position has already passed, others such as the international senator, an at large Student Fee Committee position, and a judicial position are still waiting to be filled. These positions offer students from Southern Oregon University the opportunity to represent their fellow students by becoming active members of SOU’s student government, as they are able to advocate for the needs of their fellow students.
“There are a lot of transformative things going on,” said Stephanie Keaveny, a member of ASSOU. “These positions are open in order to fill new vacancies in the student government that have been left open due to resignations.”
“Positions such as the Senator for the Higher Education Center will allow students who are not necessarily connected to Southern Oregon University access to someone who is,” said Keaveny.
The HEC, located in Medford, is connected with Southern Oregon University, said Keaveny, and having an HEC senator will promote even more interconnection between the two, allowing students who wish to transfer to SOU, or attend classes there the ability to do so efficiently.
Positions that do not adhere to deadlines are still open, and applications can be found online on the ASSOU website. For more information on ASSOU as well as other opportunities to get involved with the SOU student government, you can visit their office in the James K. Sours Student Leadership center in the Stevenson Union or visit their ASSOU Facebook page.