A free performance by interactive and multimedia duo, pincushioned, will be held on Tuesday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Schneider Museum of Art.
Invented by two punk-prog-rockers, Barry Moon (Baz) and Doug Nottingham (Dug), pincushioned is a melding of digital sounds and images with analog counterparts producing a mix of beating drums, destroying guitars, spinning dials, sliding faders, writing software, building instruments and projecting vivid imagery. Artists incorporated in the sound may include anyone from Jay-Z, Xenakis, and Rembrandt to Shostakovich and Bill Viola.
“pincushioned is at the cutting edge of multi-media performance art, combining electronic music, video, and percussion in fascinating ways,” said SOU Music faculty, Dr. Terry Longshore. “Audiences should expect a multi-sensory, mind-blowing experience.”
Along with frequently appearing in festival, gallery and concert settings, pincushioned will be starting an international tour in Spring 2014.
For more information about performing arts concerts and plays at Southern Oregon University, visit sou.edu/performingarts.”