Photo courtesy of ASSOU
Speaker of the House Violet Crain called the meeting of the Associated Students of Southern Oregon University (ASSOU) to order at 6:12pm, January 26th.
The Speaker proposed removing Approval of Student Fee Recommendation from New Business. This was later explained, during the judicial report, to be because of a non-specified concern brought up against it. The motion was approved with a vote of 6-1-2. Then, a motion was entertained to table the 12/8 minutes, which passed 7-0-1. The 1/5 and 1/12 minutes were approved with no objections.
ASSOU President Niko Hatch spoke next, confirming that applications for all vacant positions were sent out on a student wide email. He also reported vacancies for the online proctoring task force.
The Judicial Report clarified the reason as to the removal of Approval of Student Fee Recommendation.
The Cabinet and Administration had no updates to share.
The OSPIRG Chapter Chairs spoke on an opportunity to hear top DC lobbyists speak this Thursday, 1:30 to 2:30, and to message Lisa Torstenson for details.
Clubs had no significant updates, reporting success in funding and general operations. There was no old or current business to decide on.
During open forum, Senate member Mindy Welsh asked for clarification on the measure to remove Approval of Student Fee Recommendation from New Business, to which Judicial clarified that they needed to review the recording before making any statement.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:26pm.