Trails are calling after the onset of spring

BTI trail
Beneath the shade of young ponderosa pine and madrone, the BTI trail winds up the east slope of the Ashland Creek drainage above Lithia Park. Photo courtesy of Sydney Boyar

Spring is rearing its pretty head, and its time to get outside free of wool hats and long sleeves.

Dust off the hiking boots and go for a stroll. Lithia Park and the network of trails that stem off it is one of Oregon’s finest hiking destinations.

A pleasant winding trail at the top of Lithia Park is the BTI trail, which climbs the eastern slope of Ashland Creek drainage before connecting to the Alice in Wonderland Trail and the Ashland Loop Road on top of the ridge.

It’s a steep and twisty route, traversing through madrone trees and small scrub. Continuing up the Alice and Wonderland Trail after its junction with the BTI leads you to the White Rabbit trails and eventually to the Pacific Crest Trail. In its entirety, BTI runs about three quarters of a mile, and offers a medium difficulty walk to the average person, with both steep and mellow sections.

Existing as a multi-use trail, BTI Trail is maintained largely by the mountain bike community; the trail features multiple banked turns, jumps, and twists designed specifically for mountain bikes, riders travel fast, so be cautious.

Access to BTI is easy; it can be reached by walking from the top of Lithia Park directly into the trail system, or even easier by car, as it ties in directly with the Ashland Loop Road.

Go use BTI for some exercise and enjoyment, but remember it is a multi-use trail. Respect the area by staying only on marked trails, and respect fellow users by exercising caution and respect.

Use this close and beautiful resource the way it is intended. BTI is truly a gem of the Ashland trail system.


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