Tune in this Sunday, December 1, on AMC to watch the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead. The show will go on a short break for the holidays and will return February 9th, 2014. This midseason finale looks like it is going to have a high body count. Be prepared to see some of your favorite characters perish! I am hoping that my favorite character, The Governor, does not perish until later in the season. There have been many theories going around on who will die this Sunday. The majority of the theories say that Herschel, Bob Stookey, Tyrese, the Governor, and Darryl will die when the credits finally role at the end of the midseason finale.
I hope that the Governor will not die this Sunday. I was starting to get a little bored with the slow pacing and scenery of the prison and was anticipating the return of the Governor. Since the last couple episodes have been solely focused on the Governor, I have a feeling that he will not survive the midseason finale. Many fans are eagerly waiting to see what happens to him. Do not miss the mid-season finale that will certainly leave you stunned.