Photo by OSPIRG
Make sure to vote in the upcoming election on May 19th! The deadline to mail your ballot is Wednesday, May 13th. You don’t need a stamp. You can also drop off your ballot by May 19th 8pm at a local dropbox.
You can check your voter registration or track your ballot online.
As the largest and most diverse generation, young people have a chance to make a real impact in our country, if they vote. On May 19th you can vote in the primary elections for president, the senate, the house of representatives, mayor, city council, and on important local decisions being made. The decisions made by local and state governments are often just as, if not more, important when it comes to how our community operates.
Here are some additional tools and helpful information to make sure you’re ready to vote:
Checking if you’re registered to vote, tracking your ballot:
- In Oregon:
- Other states:
Voting in the upcoming elections: To learn more about what elections are happening in your community and who is running for which positions, we recommend using Be sure to use the address where you are registered to vote when looking up your ballot information.
Want to get involved in making sure everyone votes?
OSPIRG Students and your student government, ASSOU, are working to make sure every student at SOU can register and vote. Learn about volunteer and internship opportunities to help get out the vote by volunteering with our OSPIRG Students chapter at