The second floor of Britt Hall houses the English major community. An open space that can create friendships from shared interests and a place to come study or relax. Last Thursday, October 20th, there was an English capstone meeting at this very location. The atmosphere was incredibly positive and supportive, and the addition of juice boxes, candy, and mandarins really hit the spot!
Everyone gathered into a large circle to introduce themselves and share their capstone ideas. All ideas received the support and advice of the English professors present, motivating the progression of many of the students’ focuses.
Then, everyone broke up into smaller groups of three to share their ideas with fellow English major students. Interacting with others that have the same focus and interests as you allows you to feel empowered! Meeting other majors like yourself, learning from them, and creating connections was a large part of this capstone meeting experience.
The additional appearance of Emily Perry, SOU alumni, through zoom, also helped with the understanding of the capstone project. Their advice consisted of: do not push yourself past your limits, take breaks, do something you are excited about, and talk with your professors because they are there to help.
For all those students who were unable to attend this English capstone meeting, there are many professors present to help you! Do not be shy, and be sure to visit Britt’s second floor for a friendly community and a quite motivating space.
Here are some of the English Professors students can speak to if they want to know more!
Alma Rosa Alvarez – her office is normally located in Central Hall 254 and her email is
Merrilyne Lundahl – her office is normally located in Central Hall 244 and her email is
Diana Maltz – her office is normally located in Central Hall 250 and her email is
Margaret Perrow – her office is normally located in Central Hall 257 and her email is
due to renovations on central hall at the moment, their offices have been moved to Britt Hall, rooms to be determined.
for more information on these professors go here!