Photo taken at the Black Lives Matter protest in Ashland by Danny LeClaire. Here is a list of black police victims, say their names: We’re…
Author: Brianna Brady
Racist Vandal Strikes Again in Shasta Hall
Photo by Southern Oregon University On Saturday, May 16 SOU’s President, Linda Schott, announced that another incident of racist vandalism was found in the Shasta…
Jackson County Prepares to Reopen
Photo by Southern Oregon University With Oxford’s new Coronavirus Vaccine projected to be released by September the latest. There are only 49 cases in Jackson…
Student Life Takes the First Steps Towards Constructing a Multicultural Commons
Photo ©Multicultural Resource Center Last Thursday, April 16, marked the first virtual town hall regarding a Multicultural Commons. Students, staff and faculty discussed location options…
Congress’s COVID-19 Relief and Higher Education
Photo of Oregon State Capital, photo by Andreas Pagel licensed under Creative Commons The American Council on Education has analyzed that Southern Oregon is expected…
President Schott Fails to Support Students of Color
A note from the co-editors of The Siskiyou:The following article is a summary of the meeting that occurred on campus on March 3rd between members…
Student Unions Hold Emergency Meeting Regarding Racist Vandalism
ASHLAND – Members of BSU, LSU, NASU, JSO and allies gathered in the Lithia Motors Pavilion on Thursday, Feb. 27 to coordinate a plan of…
SFAC Feb. 25 Meeting: An Overview of Events
ASHLAND – On Feb. 25, 5:03 pm in the Senate Chambers, The Students Fee Allocation Committee held a meeting to review the appeals of the…